Meet The Characters

Nephite Missionary
Corianton - Chris Campbell
If God should choose a hero, surely it would be the great Corianton, son of Alma...

Harlot of Siron
Isabel - Beth Presler
The harlot from Siron. Strong headed, works hard, a very good actress who despises the life that she lives. Her goal is to get enough money to leave Antionum and return to Siron.

Govenor of Antionum
Zoram - Joel Burford
A slightly flamboyant latin-based mobster governor. He uses his wit and cunning ways to create plots with his council to thwart anyone who would get in the way of his hunger for power and alliance with the Lamanites

Nephite Priest
Alma - Josh Miller
Preacher, father, and stalwart missionary for the faith who defends the righteous way of solving the pending Lamanite and Zoramite alliance.

Alma's Wife
Hannah - Carolyn Miller
Caring and big-hearted mother to Corianton and wife to Alma.

Orihah - Brett Smith
Impressionable young man who is driven to do great things. He loves to follow Cori and feels like they are best friends.

Lead Zoramite Councilman
Cohor - Josh Hitch
Zoram’s right hand man. The muscle, but also is subservient and slightly scared of the cunning Zoram. Has brains, but Zoram steals some of Cohor’s ideas.

Nephite Missionary
Shiblon - Sam McLean
Middle Son of Alma the younger. Goofy kid, class clown.

Alma's Oldest
Helaman - Glenn Whiskur
The coolheaded oldest son of Alma.